Thursday, April 16, 2020
For the Love of Gulags
Trump is against it so it must be good...
Another cycle of praise and sympathy for the spawn of Marx and company. The mainstream media is once more riddled with kind words for the dominant mouthpiece of the compulsory commune lifestyle (Communist China).
Somehow the sympathetic voices come from people who think either:
A: The leadership of a one-party socialist state will act nobly in everyone’s interest — stupid naiveté on steroids.
B: Those who support “the revolution” will somehow end up on top and be part of the decision-making — equally stupid.
Those who love the idea of giving a brutal dictatorship the chance to transform our own society never envision the more likely outcome of reeducation camps or lying in a ditch with a bullet in your head. Mass famine is something they can live with if it punishes all those mean rich people.
Everyone’s against “the man” but some just want a more powerful and brutal “man.”
Replacing Mattel with a ministry of fun and games is no more than a road to justice laid with bones.